What is cultural appropriation?
I now celebrate Halloween, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, and other occasions which did not originate from where I was born and raised. I often wear dresses that resemble traditional Chinese clothing because I think they’re cute. I wear Nike shoes and Levi’s jeans! I got cowboy boots as well. I speak English like someone from Minnesota or British Colombia as some people say. I’ve never been to either of those places but for some reason I was told countless times that I speak as if I was from there. I eat a lot of Thai, Mediterranean, Italian, Japanese and Mexican food. I listen to rap, jazz and rock and roll. I dyed my black hair blonde and brown. Have I, and millions of my countrymen that do what I do been “culturally appropriating” ( if that’s the right term) ? Or does it matter if you’re not a celebrity?
Is getting lip fillers cultural appropriation? What about skin bleaching? Tanning? Rhinoplasty? Getting your hair permed or straightened? Eating rice if you’re not from a rice producing country? Using a refrigerator, a stove, or, the Internet if you’re not originally from the states? What about speaking the language of the country you’re currently at and emulating their gestures and imitating their accent?
What is cultural appropriation? Where does it begin/end? What does it cover? I’m utterly confused.